Here’s how you know if your goal is specific enough when using the SMARTER Goals system: The goal is Measurable. There must be an aspect of your goal you can measure. If you can’t measure it, how will you know when you’ve attained the goal?
The easiest way to make a goal measurable is to have something numerical or quantifiable in your goal. If you’re a numbers person, you’ll instantly see how exciting this is. If you’re not a numbers person, trust me that having a goal you can measure is highly motivational.
Having a Measurable goal makes it even more Specific.
Here are examples of how to make goals measurable:
“Instead of practicing whenever I feel like it, I’ll do two sixty-minute practice sessions every day.”
“When I’m at the gym with my workout partner, I’ll do an extra 10% of time on each machine in the weight room.”
“We will increase our audience by 20% over the course of this season.”
“I will close one more sale per month this year than I did last year.”
Each of these goals can be measured clearly. You will either achieve these numbers or you won’t.