Ten Minutes a Day Really Works

Though many musicians, performing artists, and other creatives like the idea of being obsessed with their goals and spending hours at a time on their creations, the truth is that few people have a lot of time each day to work on their art.

What’s more, it’s important to be highly focused when you are working on something creative. That focus comes most easily in short bursts of highly productive, inspired work.

The idea of doing small bits every day is the basis of my Ten Minute Virtuoso method for learning new skills, enhancing current skills, and gaining new knowledge. This idea is spreading like wildfire in lessons, apps, coaching, and anywhere else that people need to make a bunch of progress quickly.

Here are two apps I’ve used recently for learning a foreign language that both take advantage of this idea that a small amount of work every day is the best way to get going and keep going.:

Duolingo includes this advice with its app instructions:

5 - 10 minutes a day to build a habit

Babbel has something similar and explicitly acknowledges that people learning something new still have their normal life to lead:

15 minutes a day gets the job done

Are you ready to work EVERY day, even if just for a few minutes, to achieve your goals? I’ll bet you are!

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